
Hibernia contributes $840,000 to Manuels River for Educational Programming

The Hibernia Management and Development Company Ltd. (HMDC) is contributing $840,000 to support educational programs at the Manuels River Hibernia Interpretation Centre. The funding will be used to design and deliver four years of science lessons for elementary, intermediate and high school students.

Hibernia support to bolster geophysics program at Memorial University

Memorial University’s Department of Earth Sciences will use a $1.98 million contribution from Hibernia Management and Development Company Ltd. (HMDC) to create the Hibernia Project Geophysics Support Fund to enhance geophysics education and research.

Hibernia Offshore Operations Simulator Facility under Construction at Marine Institute

A new simulator facility at the Fisheries and Marine Institute of MemorialUniversity of Newfoundland will provide offshore operators with advanced and customized training forthe supply and support of offshore facilities and production platforms.

Hibernia enhancing geosciences field school program at Memorial University

The Hibernia Management and Development Company Ltd. (HMDC) is contributing $420,000 to enhancethe field experience of students and staff at Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Hibernia funds the expansion of Choices for Youth's Train for Trades program

The Train for Trades program, run by Choices for Youth,will double in capacity thanks to a $2.1 million contribution from Hibernia Managementand Development Company Ltd. (HMDC).