
Hibernia Reaches One Billion Barrels

The Hibernia Management and Development CompanyLtd. (HMDC) and ExxonMobil Canada announced today that the Hibernia gravity-basedstructure (GBS) has produced its one billionth barrel of oil. The milestone was achieved onDecember 21st and represents an amount higher than originally expected when the field startedproduction in 1997.

Hibernia Project, RDC and CAE inaugurate the New Helicopter Training and R&D Centre in Newfoundland and Labrador

The Hibernia Management and Development Company Ltd. (HMDC), the Research & Development Corporation (RDC) and CAE today inaugurated a new helicopter training and research and development (R&D) centre in Newfoundland and Labrador. Fully funded by HMDC and RDC, the centre features the first civilian Level D helicopter simulator with night vision in Canada and hosts five research projects.

Hibernia Project and RDC Investing in New Helicopter Training and R&D Centre

The Hibernia Management and Development Company Ltd. (HMDC) and the
Research & Development Corporation (RDC) are investing approximately $16 million in a new helicopter training and research and development (R&D) centre in Newfoundland and Labrador. HMDC will contribute $13 million to the centre and its helicopter simulator system, and RDC will contribute $3.3 million to the cost of the helicopter simulator system and the completion of five research projects.

Hibernia Investment Grows Enrichment Programming at Memorial University

Memorial University will help cultivate the next generation of innovators in Newfoundland and Labrador thanks to a $2.85 million investment from the Hibernia Management and Development Company Ltd. (HMDC). The funding will create the Hibernia Project-Shad Valley Fund at Memorial to encourage high school students to pursue studies in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The program also will encourage students from across the country to pursue their post-secondary studies at Memorial.

Hibernia funding supports upgrades to Fortune Head Interpretation Centre

The Fortune HeadInterpretation Centre is updating andexpanding its exhibit space and has hiredseasonal staff to enhance its educationalprogramming.